Thursday, January 31, 2008

Relax, take your shoes off, stay a while...

I won't go on about how I love what I do, I think I've made that clear enough times... I just needed to get some thoughts out of this head of mine. Because I remember one thing my father said before he passed away, that no matter how great business is, and how busy you can make yourself, remember to stop and enjoy it all. Enjoy the people around you, enjoy the smiles and moments, enjoy what your life has become. And at times, stop and enjoy the work you have created.

I find that last one to be the toughest. Sitting back and looking at what I have created, and enjoying it. I tend to pick it apart. Is that what makes me push myself further? I can't say as if I know. What I do know is that I think it's time, it's time that I put some time aside to just stop and look at everything around me. Take it in, enjoy it and pull it all close. I actually believe that it may just be what I need to do so that I can continue to grow as a photographer an artist and a person....

Time to relax, take my shoes off and stay a while...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The People In The Person

Sure, I've said it before... But honestly, I think I could go on much much more... About why I love it. Honestly love it. Capturing the true soul. The individual... I'm not saying that the shot above is all this person is. That she is just a soul that sits in a chair... On the contrary...

She is much much more. The music in her life, her friends, her mates, her family... but scroll back up. Take a minute and scroll back up... Look at her eyes, look into her eyes, look at her face, her posture... And more... Take it what she has to say. Do you see it, can you feel it? Really. I want to know. Is it just me or is there more there.

Or what about the shot below. Do we believe that all engagement shoots need to be so pretty. What about capturing the true people in those shots as well. You know, all couples are not always shining with love. Sometimes there is more there. This shot below has more. Don't get me wrong, they love each other, and while this shoot was taking place there were surely some great moments, some hugs some kisses. But there were also shots like this one. I feel like this is more about who they are. Comfortable together, and comfortable apart. Sharing the moments and letting each shine alone. Does that make sense or am I just going off on my own little tangent??? Who knows... What I do know, is that yes, I love being a photographer....
