Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Time... Life... Fear...

Quite honestly one of the most important things that is quite honestly one of the hardest things to do. So many of us get wrapped up in tomorrow, or yesterday. Myself included. It seems as if things lately have wrapped me up and ate me whole. The days fly by, the time magically, well, sort of poofs away... And I find myself still wondering about tomorrow and what I have to do.

That is EXACTLY what we all need to not do. We don't need to worry about what we have to do tomorrow, or what we did or didn't do yesterday. We need to worry about right now. We need to live in the moment.

Sit back and think about what happens if you don't. No, really, sit back and think about what you may miss. The passing smiles, enjoying that coffee and or being happy for this exact moment. That's what matters. This exact moment! Grab it and make the most of it. Don't let life slip away. Slow it down, take deep breaths and enjoy what each minute holds... You never know what you'll find. Could just be happiness... Now wouldn't that be something...

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