Tuesday, November 16, 2010


How do you know if you're dream is big enough??? That was a recent update which I made on my facebook "status"... That status update brought on few interesting comments. And those comments in turn made me think more about the "status".

A few of them in no random order:

No such thing. Dream bigger every day. :)

Because it scares the living sh*t out of you but you still want it more than anything. And it also seems to get larger and larger as time passes, making it all the more scary!

If it is attainable, but just barely. otherwise it is too big.

So it makes me wonder a bit more. I've generally tried to catch up to my dreams through life. I believe it's an important thing to do. I also believe that if you're dream is realistic , (in other words, not wanting to fly with out any assistance; swimming under water for 3 hours at a time;  etc...) as I was saying, if our dream is realistic, it can be reached! It may take time, it may take a long time, but it can, in one way or another be reached... 

However you have to believe. 

Believe that it can be reached, no matter how high, or how far out there it seems. If it's realistic, you can reach it....

So I ask you this, how do you know if you're dream is big enough??? I believe all the above. That your dream could very easily get bigger day by day. And when it's closed to being reached, it can grow even larger forcing you to continue on in reaching your dream. Maybe your dream scares you to death. For one reason or another, it just freaks you right out. Maybe it's a financial chance you would be forced to take. Maybe it would involve some serious life changes... Maybe more? But it's okay to be scared. Especially since fear is a good thing to feel at times... 

Yet I do still have one question. Is every realistic dream attainable??? Do you have to make your dream into a reality to enjoy it??? The questions seem to be endles...

And with that, I just have one thing to ask. 

How do you know if you're dream is big enough????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great post. Thanks for giving me something to think about : )