Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Keep it close...

There comes a time in life when all of us make decisions. Some are harder than others. At times, it's a decision to pull back from doing something that helped create the person you are. Is it easy, not at all. I've been there. And at times it's one of the hardest things you can do. 

The one thing to keep in mind is actually pretty simple. Just because you make the decision to no longer go in one direction. Doesn't mean that you have to completely let it go. After all, it's still inside. 

Much like when someone we love passes away, they are still with us. So often we are reminded of them, they shine down on us, or we just know that they are part of us. The same goes for when we make the decision to let that certain activity or something else go.... It's still a part of us........

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